【学术报告】新加坡南洋理工大学Yoo Seongwoo副教授学术报告
发布人:江苏省先进激光技术与新兴产业协同创新中心 发布时间:2019-09-02 浏览次数:

报 告 人:Yoo Seongwoo,副教授,新加坡南洋理工大学

报告题目:Advanced silica fiber technology for lasers andamplifiers




报告人简介:Yoo Seongwoo is an Assistant Professor at School of Electricaland Electronic Engineering in Nanyang Technological Univerisity (NTU),Singapore. He received his PhD from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology(GIST), Gwangju, Korea for his study on specialty fiber design and fabrication.He joined the Optoelectronic Research Centre (ORC) at Univeristy ofSouthampton, UK, as a post-doctoral research fellow in 2005. Since then, hisresearch has been focused on special fibre development for high power fibrelasers applications. At NTU, he continues research efforts.

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