波兰Dr. Ryszard Buczyński学术报告会
发布人:江苏省先进激光技术与新兴产业协同创新中心 发布时间:2015-04-30 浏览次数:

2015422日上午10:30波兰教授Dr. Ryszard Buczyński在物电学院四楼学术报告厅做了题为“Emerging photonic crystal fibers  all-solid glass nanostructuring for wavefront modification and new hybrid functionalities (新兴的光子晶体光纤---用于波前调整、具有混合功能的全固态玻璃纳米结构)”的学术报告,报告会由先进激光材料与器件重点实验室副主任赵鹭明老师主持,物电学院、先进激光材料与器件重点实验室师生参加了报告会。

Dr. Ryszard Buczyński介绍了微结构光纤光学的研究进展。以光子晶体光纤为代表的微结构光纤的应用,包括超连续谱产生、非线性频率转换、高能传输以及基于中空光纤的通讯等等。全固态玻璃结构光纤光纤技术可以用于产生几十纳米量级的无定形全固态光子晶体网格,这导致了全新的结构光纤光纤和相关的应用。可以在体光学材料中实现折射率分布的任意形状。甚至可以在光纤中加入金属材料实现特殊功能。报告会结束后Dr. Ryszard Buczyński回答了在场师生的提问,与师生进行了友好的互动交流。



1993 - M.Sc., WarsawUniversity of Technology, Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics - - Technical Physics

1997 - M.Sc., WarsawUniversity of Technology, Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics -- Applied Computer Sciences

1999- Ph.D., WarsawUniversity of Technology, Institute of Physics- Physics

1999 - PhD, with the highest distinction, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculty of Applied Science, Belgium,- Applied Sciences

2012 - D.Sc. (habilitation)University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics- Physics

Additional education

Oct 2011 - Dec.2011 :2 months training on science management and commercialization, Stanford Center of Professional Development, Stanford University, USA.

Feb 2012 - Jan 2013postgraduate study in Management of Innovations, Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Warsaw, Poland.

May 2013 - June 2013Training of innovation entrepreneurship FastTrac Techventure, Kaufman Foundation, FNP, Warsaw, Poland.


1999-2001 – Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, postdoc researcher

2007-2009 – Heriot-Watt University, UK, research associate (part time)

since 11/2001 – University of Warsaw, assistant professor

since 05/2009 - Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, associate professor



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